FAQ about Forever Flowers 2
access_time Written on November 8, 2021
- Is my donation tax deductible? Yes, you will receive an email tax deductible receipt after you donate for U.S. taxes only.
- Can I donate by check? Yes, checks can be written to the "Santiago Partnership" and mailed to 23891 Airport Rd., Coshocton, OH 43812. Please specify your donation is for the "Forever Flowers Initiative."
- Can you tell me about what all your project has accomplished in Ecuador? Yes, please see this link to see a bunch of statistics on what all has been accomplished since the project was started in 2014.
- The link to this website says CauseVox. What is that? We are partnering with CauseVox.com to bring you this campaign as it is the best crowdfunding platform to be able to share this campaign with many people around the world. There are fees that are associated with this service which you can help us in covering those fees when you make a donation.
- What kind of administrative costs does the Santiago Partnership have? Great question! Since we have no U.S. based employees at this point, our administrative costs have stayed low at 6% from 2013 to 2021.
- I am a monthly donor. Since you are doing this campaign, should I stop my monthly support? No, please continue your monthly support as it is crucial to this ministry. Starting and growing this farm will take time to develop our flower product and revenue stream to get to the place where we are 100% self-sustainable and may take many years to come. This is the project's biggest effort to move toward self-sustainability yet and we need help to continue to start this Social Enterprise.
- When will I receive my reward? After the campaign ends on January 1st, 2022, we will be in contact with you about when you will be receiving your reward.
- Are Kim and Joel Delp and their family leaving Ecuador? This is definitely not the case. Kim, Joel, Simeon, Esther and Ephraim have no plans for leaving Ecuador. We just know that the correct missionary model is to always be working your way out of a job and turning things over to national leadership whenever possible and so that is why we are trying to empower our leadership to turn this project into a self-sustainable one. Also, the process of this project becoming 100% self-sustainable will not occur over night. This Forever Flowers initiative is the project's first big step in moving in this direction but just like growing any business, it won't happen overnight.